The Unwired Medic

Teaching EMS providers & other public safety pros about using mobile tech to improve their practice, patient care, continuing education, scene safety, general entertainment, & productivity.

No batteries required


Well, this isn’t electronic, but it is unwired!  When I worked at “The Star” in Fort Worth, we had a tradition I walked into where you would be inside the ER delivering your patient, and another crew would drop a bowling ball in an external compartment.  When you’d take off for your post or your next call, rounding a corner or a quick deceleration, you’d hear a “whump, whump, whump, THUNK!”  This works best in a busier system that runs several units per shift or SSM.  It’s probably not so much fun when you operate in a one or two unit system.

Rules are simple:

  1. Don’t get caught by the receiving unit’s crew dropping the ball into their unit, or you have to keep it on your unit;
  2. Keep it in the outside compartments (honestly, who checks these after every call anyway and who locks them or even has the keys to the compartment?);
  3. Make sure you won’t damage any equipment or belongings (it seems obvious, but…);
  4. The lucky recipients have to call their unit and state that they have “the ball” over the radio to the entire system.  They also have to keep it in the cabinet until they can dump it on another crew;
  5. One bowling ball per system;
  6. If you find the ball before you depart the ER, you can tactically reallocate it to another unit (if there is one around, but amazingly when this has happened to me, all the other units suddenly were nowhere to be found), and you don’t bear the shame of announcing to the system that you have the ball;
  7. Safety rule: Don’t leave it unsecured in the interior of the rig (think 16# missile) unless it’s on the other crew’s driver’s seat (and hey, you can dress it up for kicks too).
  8. This one is just advice, but you probably shouldn’t steal the ball from a bowling alley.  They’re cheap enough at yard sales, or the alley may be getting rid of an old beater ball.  Just ask…  you may get one for free!
  9. Last rule: DON’T LOSE THE BALL!

For a little extra fun, have it engraved so it adds a little sentimental value, then if another agency mysteriously winds up with it, they can return it at the next ER rendezvous.

bowling balls


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