The Unwired Medic

Teaching EMS providers & other public safety pros about using mobile tech to improve their practice, patient care, continuing education, scene safety, general entertainment, & productivity.

Mutual Aid Requested – November 2013


I have been more than busy with working at three jobs and going back to school to get my Bachelor’s Degree in IT, so I am sorry I haven’t posted much on my blog or social media sites.  I’m making a diligent effort to get back into posting regularly.  This time, I haven’t had the occasion to test any new apps or equipment, but I have come across a few tech articles that I think are worth mentioning.  Be safe out there!

Health data on your smartphone:

Samsung and Cigna are partnering to harness the broad base of users on the Samsung S Health platform (announced on October 28th, 2013).  Apparently, when used on the Galaxy S4, the S Health app has the ability to monitor activity, ambient temp and humidity, and allows you to log your food and exercise activity, which for now sounds just like  what you can do with apps like Edomondo and others, but it will allow partnering with many other devices, probably like the Samsung Body Scale, a heart rate monitor, probably a pedometer or FitBit, glucometers, blood pressure cuffs, etc., in an effort to bring telemedicine to a cell phone.  I hope to be able to bring you much more on this as my full-time job is expecting to replace my iPhone 4S with a Galaxy Note 3 in the next couple of weeks to upgrade me to 4G and a better platform to administrate the Critical Incident Management System (CIMS) I’m in charge of.  From what I’ve found, it too will include access to the S Health app.  Unfortunately, the price of the Galaxy Gear smartwatch is too high for me to pick up as an accessory, though I’m sure the S Health app will use data retrieved from it too.

Read what the HIT Consultant has to say about this partnership here:


Cigna made an official announcement on their site here:

From time to time, I write professionally for, providing special project articles on EMS-relevant technology or apps, but I’m not linking to any of my own articles in this post.  Instead, I’d like to show you some of the neat things their regular writing staff have come across and evaluated that may be of use to us in the prehospital care arena, and maybe also for some of you branching into Community Paramedicine.  Caveat: Not every app or device is free…

I miss having my old OB Wheel app for my Palm m125 and Treo.  Unfortunately, it isn’t compatible with any newer generation devices.  Finally, a good substitute has arrived.  A new OB wheel app:

The future of wearable sensors in healthcare:

Use of a virtual procedure app improves intubation success rate:


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