The Unwired Medic

Teaching EMS providers & other public safety pros about using mobile tech to improve their practice, patient care, continuing education, scene safety, general entertainment, & productivity.

New Year’s Resolution


This past year has been full of problems for The Unwired Medic, after dealing with severe allergies and asthma for much of the year, tied with some other medical challenges, and getting behind on completing my courses for my degree, and January 2016 has held much of the same for me, after catching a URI that turned into bronchitis and more acute asthma exacerbation.  It’s tough to stay focused on things like writing blogs when you are always shaky and apprehensive from nebulizers and steroids. I’m on the upswing again and am not feeling so shaky.  I’m confident that will continue.

My New Year’s Resolution (Hey! It’s still January!) is to write a lot more than I did last year (God willing!).  Early January is the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, and I was able to go this year, and I’ve brought back plenty to talk about. Mobile healthcare and fitness were big last year, but they are HUGE for 2016, and I’ve already been testing some new gadgets I’ll be writing about in the next week.

Thanks for sticking with me! There’s a lot to see this year!

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