The Unwired Medic

Teaching EMS providers & other public safety pros about using mobile tech to improve their practice, patient care, continuing education, scene safety, general entertainment, & productivity.

July 18, 2013
by The Unwired Medic

Google Glass for EMS

My esteemed colleague, Greg Friese, has drawn my attention to an article about a new partnership for augmented reality and CPR with an app called CPRGlass.  He posed a question to me, asking what benefit I would see in using … Continue reading

September 24, 2012
by The Unwired Medic

20% of Adult Americans Using Apps For Disasters

Here are a few websites with news articles claiming that up to 20% of adult Americans are using apps during disasters and emergencies.  Not surprising since we are in the dawn of the digital era… The Herald Online: Mobi … Continue reading

September 12, 2012
by The Unwired Medic

Toughpad – The Armored Android

An intro to the Panasonic Toughpad A1 Android-based Tablet It’s everywhere… mobile this, tablet that.  You can’t escape the implementation of technology in public safety and public health.  If you have to use it (and you do, or at least … Continue reading